# x/mint

# Contents

# Concepts

# The Minting Mechanism

The minting mechanism was designed to:

  • allow for a flexible inflation rate determined by market demand targeting a particular bonded-stake ratio
  • effect a balance between market liquidity and staked supply

In order to best determine the appropriate market rate for inflation rewards, a moving change rate is used. The moving change rate mechanism ensures that if the % bonded is either over or under the goal %-bonded, the inflation rate will adjust to further incentivize or disincentivize being bonded, respectively. Setting the goal %-bonded at less than 100% encourages the network to maintain some non-staked tokens which should help provide some liquidity.

It can be broken down in the following way:

  • If the inflation rate is below the goal %-bonded the inflation rate will increase until a maximum value is reached
  • If the goal % bonded (67% in Cosmos-Hub) is maintained, then the inflation rate will stay constant
  • If the inflation rate is above the goal %-bonded the inflation rate will decrease until a minimum value is reached

# State

# Minter

The minter is a space for holding current inflation information.

  • Minter: 0x00 -> ProtocolBuffer(minter)
Copy https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/v0.47.0-rc1/proto/cosmos/mint/v1beta1/mint.proto#L10-L24

# Params

The mint module stores it's params in state with the prefix of 0x01, it can be updated with governance or the address with authority.

  • Params: mint/params -> legacy_amino(params)
Copy https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/v0.47.0-rc1/proto/cosmos/mint/v1beta1/mint.proto#L26-L59

# Begin-Block

Minting parameters are recalculated and inflation paid at the beginning of each block.

# Inflation rate calculation

Inflation rate is calculated using an "inflation calculation function" that's passed to the NewAppModule function. If no function is passed, then the SDK's default inflation function will be used (NextInflationRate). In case a custom inflation calculation logic is needed, this can be achieved by defining and passing a function that matches InflationCalculationFn's signature.

Copy type InflationCalculationFn func(ctx sdk.Context, minter Minter, params Params, bondedRatio sdk.Dec) sdk.Dec

# NextInflationRate

The target annual inflation rate is recalculated each block. The inflation is also subject to a rate change (positive or negative) depending on the distance from the desired ratio (67%). The maximum rate change possible is defined to be 13% per year, however the annual inflation is capped as between 7% and 20%.

Copy NextInflationRate(params Params, bondedRatio sdk.Dec) (inflation sdk.Dec) { inflationRateChangePerYear = (1 - bondedRatio/params.GoalBonded) * params.InflationRateChange inflationRateChange = inflationRateChangePerYear/blocksPerYr // increase the new annual inflation for this next cycle inflation += inflationRateChange if inflation > params.InflationMax { inflation = params.InflationMax } if inflation < params.InflationMin { inflation = params.InflationMin } return inflation }

# NextAnnualProvisions

Calculate the annual provisions based on current total supply and inflation rate. This parameter is calculated once per block.

Copy NextAnnualProvisions(params Params, totalSupply sdk.Dec) (provisions sdk.Dec) { return Inflation * totalSupply

# BlockProvision

Calculate the provisions generated for each block based on current annual provisions. The provisions are then minted by the mint module's ModuleMinterAccount and then transferred to the auth's FeeCollector ModuleAccount.

Copy BlockProvision(params Params) sdk.Coin { provisionAmt = AnnualProvisions/ params.BlocksPerYear return sdk.NewCoin(params.MintDenom, provisionAmt.Truncate())

# Parameters

The minting module contains the following parameters:

Key Type Example
MintDenom string "uatom"
InflationRateChange string (dec) "0.130000000000000000"
InflationMax string (dec) "0.200000000000000000"
InflationMin string (dec) "0.070000000000000000"
GoalBonded string (dec) "0.670000000000000000"
BlocksPerYear string (uint64) "6311520"

# Events

The minting module emits the following events:

# BeginBlocker

Type Attribute Key Attribute Value
mint bonded_ratio
mint inflation
mint annual_provisions
mint amount

# Client


A user can query and interact with the mint module using the CLI.

# Query

The query commands allow users to query mint state.

Copy simd query mint --help
# annual-provisions

The annual-provisions command allow users to query the current minting annual provisions value

Copy simd query mint annual-provisions [flags]


Copy simd query mint annual-provisions

Example Output:

Copy 22268504368893.612100895088410693
# inflation

The inflation command allow users to query the current minting inflation value

Copy simd query mint inflation [flags]


Copy simd query mint inflation

Example Output:

Copy 0.199200302563256955
# params

The params command allow users to query the current minting parameters

Copy simd query mint params [flags]


Copy blocks_per_year: "4360000" goal_bonded: "0.670000000000000000" inflation_max: "0.200000000000000000" inflation_min: "0.070000000000000000" inflation_rate_change: "0.130000000000000000" mint_denom: stake

# gRPC

A user can query the mint module using gRPC endpoints.

# AnnualProvisions

The AnnualProvisions endpoint allow users to query the current minting annual provisions value

Copy /cosmos.mint.v1beta1.Query/AnnualProvisions


Copy grpcurl -plaintext localhost:9090 cosmos.mint.v1beta1.Query/AnnualProvisions

Example Output:

Copy { "annualProvisions": "1432452520532626265712995618" }

# Inflation

The Inflation endpoint allow users to query the current minting inflation value

Copy /cosmos.mint.v1beta1.Query/Inflation


Copy grpcurl -plaintext localhost:9090 cosmos.mint.v1beta1.Query/Inflation

Example Output:

Copy { "inflation": "130197115720711261" }

# Params

The Params endpoint allow users to query the current minting parameters

Copy /cosmos.mint.v1beta1.Query/Params


Copy grpcurl -plaintext localhost:9090 cosmos.mint.v1beta1.Query/Params

Example Output:

Copy { "params": { "mintDenom": "stake", "inflationRateChange": "130000000000000000", "inflationMax": "200000000000000000", "inflationMin": "70000000000000000", "goalBonded": "670000000000000000", "blocksPerYear": "6311520" } }


A user can query the mint module using REST endpoints.

# annual-provisions

Copy /cosmos/mint/v1beta1/annual_provisions


Copy curl "localhost:1317/cosmos/mint/v1beta1/annual_provisions"

Example Output:

Copy { "annualProvisions": "1432452520532626265712995618" }

# inflation

Copy /cosmos/mint/v1beta1/inflation


Copy curl "localhost:1317/cosmos/mint/v1beta1/inflation"

Example Output:

Copy { "inflation": "130197115720711261" }

# params

Copy /cosmos/mint/v1beta1/params


Copy curl "localhost:1317/cosmos/mint/v1beta1/params"

Example Output:

Copy { "params": { "mintDenom": "stake", "inflationRateChange": "130000000000000000", "inflationMax": "200000000000000000", "inflationMin": "70000000000000000", "goalBonded": "670000000000000000", "blocksPerYear": "6311520" } }