# Developer Hub
Everything you need to build on Nibiru. Your go-to hub to develop smart contracts applications for the decentralized web.

# Nibiru Networks & RPC Endpoints
Easily configure your wallet, node, or dApp with Nibiru's network settings. Below are the RPC endpoints, network identifiers, and blockchain explorers for both the mainnet and testnet. For a full setup guide, including adding Nibiru as a custom network in your wallet, visit: Nibiru Networks and RPCs.
EVM Info | Nibiru Mainnet | Nibiru Testnet |
EVM RPC | evm-rpc.nibiru.fi (opens new window) | evm-rpc.testnet-2.nibiru.fi (opens new window) |
EIP-155 Chain ID | 6900 (0x1AF4 in Hex) | 6911 (0x1AFF in Hex) |
CSDK Chain-ID | cataclysm-1 | nibiru-testnet-2 |
EVM Explorer | nibiscan.io/ (opens new window) | testnet.nibiscan.io/ (opens new window) |
# Core Tools and Language Clients
Essential SDKs and tools for building applications on Nibiru.
Tool / Library | Description |
@nibiruchain/nibijs | A TypeScript SDK for building web applications in frameworks like Vue and React. It also supports interacting with wallet extensions like Keplr and MetaMask. Published as an npm package. |
@nibiruchain/evm-core | Core Nibiru EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) TypeScript library with functions to call Nibiru-specific precompiled contracts. |
@nibiruchain/solidity | Nibiru EVM solidity contracts and ABIs for Nibiru-specific precompiles and core protocol functionality. |
Nibiru Rust SDK | Nibiru Rust standard library that includes the nibiru-std crate, offering protobuf types and traits for Wasm (WebAssembly) smart contracts on Nibiru. Available on crates.io. |
Nibiru Command-Line Interface (CLI) | The nibid binary is needed for running nodes and sending IBC transfers without using a wallet extension. |
# Oracle Solutions
- Nibiru Oracle (EVM) - Usage Guide: Technical guide for using the Nibiru Oracle precompile in EVM smart contracts, including ChainLink-like price feeds.
- Integrating with Oracles on Nibiru: Overview of available oracle solutions on Nibiru, including the native oracle and Band Protocol integration.
# Block Explorers
Nibiru Block Explorers: Block explorer for Nibiru
# Other Tools
Nibiru Golang SDK: Useful for developing agents and applications while directly importing types directly from the Nibiru source code.
Nibiru Python SDK: Similar to the TypeScript SDK, except written in Python.
Testnet Faucet
Testnet Faucet (Repo) (opens new window): Send tokens to your wallet on testnet
# Undersanding the Nibiru Blockchain
See the Nibiru Architecure for comprehensive documentation.
Nibiru's Cosmos-SDK modules define the core logic for Nibi-Perps, Nibi-Swap, and the decentralized oracle network. Nibiru's modules are defined in the "x/" subfolder of the protocol's Golang code (e.g. the "evm" module is defined in the "x/evm" folder).
# Nibiru Discord Server
If you would like to connect with the developer community and ask questions related to software development on Nibiru, join the Nibiru Discord server (opens new window). Once you've joined the server: