Golang Client SDK for interacting with the Nibiru blockchain. Gonibi is useful
for building applications on top of the chain without needing to have an in-depth
knowledge on the underlying module structure.
To use the package, add github.com/NibiruChain/nibiru as a dependency in your go.mod file. To get the latest gosdk with the most up-to-date features, include the latest commit in your dependency via the following command:
go get github.com/NibiruChain/nibiru@cc4ddd4b51317ff7a4faa251b97e72855456c8e6
To ensure compatibility of your project with external dependencies, include the following go.mod replace directive:
replace (
cosmossdk.io/api => cosmossdk.io/api v0.3.1
github.com/cosmos/iavl => github.com/cosmos/iavl v0.20.0
github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum => github.com/NibiruChain/go-ethereum v1.10.27-nibiru
github.com/gogo/protobuf => github.com/regen-network/protobuf v1.3.3-alpha.regen.1
github.com/linxGnu/grocksdb => github.com/linxGnu/grocksdb v1.8.12// pin version! 126854af5e6d has issues with the store so that queries fail
github.com/syndtr/goleveldb => github.com/syndtr/goleveldb v1.0.1-0.20210819022825-2ae1ddf74ef7
// stick with compatible version or x/exp in v0.47.x line
golang.org/x/exp => golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20230711153332-06a737ee72cb
To interact with the Nibiru blockchain, you need to set up the Nibiru SDK and keyring. You also need to specify the chain name and the rpc endpoint, please refer to the Networks docs to understand which nibiru chain you are aiming to connect to. Here's an example for nibiru-testnet-1:
nibiruSdk, err := gosdk.NewNibiruSdk("nibiru-testnet-1", grpcConn,"https:rpc.testnet-1.nibiru.fi")if err !=nil{
log.Fatalf("Failed to create nibiru sdk: %v", err)}// Setup keyring
kring := gosdk.NewKeyring()
keyName :="local"
mnemonic :=""// your wallet mnemonic
addr, err := gosdk.AddSignerToKeyringSecp256k1(kring, mnemonic, keyName)if err !=nil{
log.Fatalf("Failed to import wallet: %v", err)}// Define the sender address (from)
fromAddress := sdk.AccAddress(addr)
Here is an example of how to execute a smart contract:
contractAddress :=""// some contract address// Create the execute message data
executeMsg :=map[string]interface{}{"":map[string]interface{}{},}// Marshal the execute message into JSON
executeMsgJSON, err := json.Marshal(executeMsg)if err !=nil{
log.Fatalf("Failed to marshal execute message: %v", err)}// Create the MsgExecuteContract message
msg :=&wasm.MsgExecuteContract{
Sender: fromAddress.String(),
Contract: contractAddress,
Msg: executeMsgJSON,
Funds:nil,}// nil for funds if no funds are sent// Broadcast the message
res, err := nibiruSdk.BroadcastMsgs(fromAddress, msg)if err !=nil{
log.Fatalf("Failed to broadcast message: %v", err)}// Process the response
fmt.Printf("Broadcast result: %v\n", res)
This documentation now provides a comprehensive guide on installing, setting up, and using the Gonibi SDK to interact with the Nibiru blockchain, along with examples of querying smart contract states and executing smart contracts.