# @nibiruchain/solidity

Nibiru EVM solidity contracts and ABIs for Nibiru-specific precompiles and core protocol functionality.

# Install

Copy yarn add @nibiruchain/solidity # OR npm install OR bun install

Solidity code is in "@nibiruchain/solidity/contracts/*", and ABI JSON files are in "@nibiruchain/solidity/abi/*".

# ABI Files

Since contract ABIs are exported in JSON format, these ABIs can be used with any Ethereum-compatible JS library, such as:

  • Viem
  • Ethers.js
  • Web3.js
  • Hardhat or Foundry
Copy // Example import import wasmAbi from "@nibiruchain/solidity/abi/IWasm.json"

# Usage in Solidity

This package exports interfaces, types, and constants for each Nibiru-specific precompiled contract (opens new window). To use these precompiles in Solidity, use the exported constant that represents an instance of the precompile.

For example in "IOracle.sol", we define:


This means another contract can use NIBIRU_ORACLE to access each method from the Nibiru Oracle precompile.

Copy import '@nibiruchain/solidity/contracts/IOracle.sol'; contract Example { function latestRoundData() public view override returns (uint80 roundId, int256 answer, uint256 startedAt, uint256 updatedAt, uint80 answeredInRound) { return NIBIRU_ORACLE.chainLinkLatestRoundData(pair); } }

Similarly, the fungible token precompile defines:


So, you import this in your contract

Copy import '@nibiruchain/solidity/contracts/IFunToken.sol'; // Methods: // FUNTOKEN_PRECOMPILE.sendToBank // FUNTOKEN_PRECOMPILE.sendToEvm // FUNTOKEN_PRECOMPILE.balance // FUNTOKEN_PRECOMPILE.bankBalance // FUNTOKEN_PRECOMPILE.bankMsgSend // FUNTOKEN_PRECOMPILE.whoAmI

# Usage with Typechain for Ethers v6

Often when building an application using Ethers.js, we want type-safe contract interactions. The typechain and @typechain/ethers-v6 packages are a useful tool to generate TypeScript code an ethers.Contract directly from smart contract ABIs.

To generate ethers TypeScript bindings for the ABIs exported from the @nibiruchain/solidity package, first install the required dependencies:

Copy npm install -D @nibiruchain/solidity @typechain/ethers-v6@0.5 typechain@8

Then, you can generate like so.

Copy out_dir="typechain-out" npm run typechain \ --target=ethers-v6 \ --out-dir="$out_dir" \ "$(pwd)/node_modules/@nibiruchain/solidity/abi/*.json"

This ensures contract interactions are type-checked at compile-time, helping reduce the likelihood of runtime errors.