# proto - perp

# Table of Contents


# nibiru/perp/v2/event.proto

# AmmUpdatedEvent

This event is emitted when the amm is updated, which can be triggered by the following events:

  • swap
  • edit price multiplier
  • edit depth
Field Type Label Description
final_amm AMM the final state of the AMM
mark_price_twap string The mark price of the pair.
index_price_twap string The oracle index price of the pair.

# EventShiftPegMultiplier

EventShiftPegMultiplier: ABCI event emitted from MsgShiftPegMultiplier

Field Type Label Description
old_peg_multiplier string
new_peg_multiplier string
cost_paid cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin

# EventShiftSwapInvariant

EventShiftSwapInvariant: ABCI event emitted from MsgShiftSwapInvariant

Field Type Label Description
old_swap_invariant string
new_swap_invariant string
cost_paid cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin

# FundingRateChangedEvent

Emitted when the funding rate changes for a market.

Field Type Label Description
pair string The pair for which the funding rate was calculated.
mark_price_twap string The mark price of the pair.
index_price_twap string The oracle index price of the pair.
premium_fraction string The latest premium fraction just calculated.
cumulative_premium_fraction string The market's latest cumulative premium fraction. The funding payment a position will pay is the difference between this value and the latest cumulative premium fraction on the position, multiplied by the position size.

# LiquidationFailedEvent

Emitted when liquidation fails.

Field Type Label Description
pair string The pair for which we are trying to liquidate.
trader string owner of the position.
liquidator string Address of the account that executed the tx.
reason LiquidationFailedEvent.LiquidationFailedReason Reason for the liquidation failure.

# MarketUpdatedEvent

This event is emitted at the end of every block for persisting market changes off-chain

Market changes are triggered by the following actions:

  • disabling market
  • changing market fees
  • bad debt is prepaid by the ecosystem fund
Field Type Label Description
final_market Market the final state of the market

# PositionChangedEvent

Emitted when a position changes.

Field Type Label Description
final_position Position
position_notional string Position notional (in quote units) after the change. In general, 'notional = baseAmount * priceQuotePerBase', where size is the baseAmount.
transaction_fee cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin Transaction fee paid. A "taker" fee.
realized_pnl string realize profits and losses after the change
bad_debt cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin Amount of bad debt cleared by the PerpEF during the change. Bad debt is negative net margin past the liquidation point of a position.
funding_payment string A funding payment made or received by the trader on the current position. 'fundingPayment' is positive if 'owner' is the sender and negative if 'owner' is the receiver of the payment. Its magnitude is abs(size * fundingRate). Funding payments act to converge the mark price and index price (average price on major exchanges).
block_height int64 The block number at which this position was changed.
margin_to_user string margin_to_user is the amount of collateral received by the trader during the position change. A positve value indicates that the trader received funds, while a negative value indicates that the trader spent funds.
change_reason string change_reason describes the reason for why the position resulted in a change. Change type can take the following values:
  • CHANGE_REASON_UNSPECIFIED: Unspecified change reason. - CHANGE_REASON_ADD_MARGIN: Margin was added to the position. - CHANGE_REASON_REMOVE_MARGIN: Margin was removed from the position. - CHANGE_REASON_OPEN_POSITION: A new position was opened. - CHANGE_REASON_CLOSE_POSITION: An existing position was closed. | | exchanged_size | string | | exchanged_size represent the change in size for an existing position after the change. A positive value indicates that the position size increased, while a negative value indicates that the position size decreased. | | exchanged_notional | string | | exchanged_notional represent the change in notional for an existing position after the change. A positive value indicates that the position notional increased, while a negative value indicates that the position notional decreased. |

# PositionLiquidatedEvent

Emitted when a position is liquidated. Wraps a PositionChanged event since a liquidation causes position changes.

Field Type Label Description
position_changed_event PositionChangedEvent
liquidator_address string Address of the account that executed the tx.
fee_to_liquidator cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin Commission (in margin units) received by 'liquidator'.
fee_to_ecosystem_fund cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin Commission (in margin units) given to the ecosystem fund.

# PositionSettledEvent

Emitted when a position is settled.

Field Type Label Description
pair string Identifier for the virtual pool of the position.
trader_address string Owner of the position.
settled_coins cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin repeated Settled coin as dictated by the settlement price of the perp.amm.

# LiquidationFailedEvent.LiquidationFailedReason

Name Number Description
POSITION_HEALTHY 1 the position is healthy and does not need to be liquidated.
NONEXISTENT_PAIR 2 the pair does not exist.
NONEXISTENT_POSITION 3 the position does not exist.


# nibiru/perp/v2/genesis.proto

# GenesisMarketLastVersion

GenesisMarketLastVersion is the last version including pair only used for genesis

Field Type Label Description
pair string
version uint64

# GenesisPosition

Field Type Label Description
pair string
version uint64
position Position

# GenesisState

GenesisState defines the perp module's genesis state. Thge genesis state is used not only to start the network but also useful for exporting and importing state during network upgrades.

Field Type Label Description
markets Market repeated
amms AMM repeated
positions GenesisPosition repeated
reserve_snapshots ReserveSnapshot repeated
dnr_epoch uint64
collateral_denom string For testing purposes, we allow the collateral to be set at genesis
trader_volumes GenesisState.TraderVolume repeated
global_discount GenesisState.Discount repeated
custom_discounts GenesisState.CustomDiscount repeated
market_last_versions GenesisMarketLastVersion repeated
global_volumes GenesisState.GlobalVolume repeated
rebates_allocations DNRAllocation repeated
dnr_epoch_name string

# GenesisState.CustomDiscount

Field Type Label Description
trader string
discount GenesisState.Discount

# GenesisState.Discount

Field Type Label Description
fee string
volume string

# GenesisState.GlobalVolume

Field Type Label Description
epoch uint64
volume string

# GenesisState.TraderVolume

Field Type Label Description
trader string
epoch uint64
volume string


# nibiru/perp/v2/query.proto

# AccountWithBalance

Field Type Label Description
name string
address string
balance cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin repeated

# AmmMarket

Field Type Label Description
market Market
amm AMM

# QueryCollateralRequest

QueryCollateralRequest: Request type for the "nibiru.perp.v2.Query/Collateral" gRPC service method

# QueryCollateralResponse

QueryCollateralRequest: Response type for the "nibiru.perp.v2.Query/Collateral" gRPC service method

Field Type Label Description
collateral_denom string

# QueryMarketsRequest

Field Type Label Description
versioned bool

# QueryMarketsResponse

Field Type Label Description
amm_markets AmmMarket repeated

# QueryModuleAccountsRequest

QueryModuleAccountsRequest: Request type for the "nibiru.perp.v2.Query/ModuleAccounts" gRPC service method

# QueryModuleAccountsResponse

QueryModuleAccountsResponse: Response type for the "nibiru.perp.v2.Query/ModuleAccounts" gRPC service method

Field Type Label Description
accounts AccountWithBalance repeated

# QueryPositionRequest

QueryPositionRequest: Request type for the "nibiru.perp.v2.Query/Position" gRPC service method

Field Type Label Description
pair string
trader string

# QueryPositionResponse

QueryPositionResponse: Response type for the "nibiru.perp.v2.Query/Position" gRPC service method

Field Type Label Description
position Position The position as it exists in the blockchain state
position_notional string The position's current notional value, if it were to be entirely closed (in margin units).
unrealized_pnl string The position's unrealized PnL.
margin_ratio string margin ratio of the position based on the spot price

# QueryPositionStoreRequest

QueryPositionStoreRequest: Request type for the "nibiru.perp.v2.Query/PositionStore" gRPC service method

Field Type Label Description
pagination cosmos.base.query.v1beta1.PageRequest pagination defines a paginated request

# QueryPositionStoreResponse

QueryPositionStoreResponse: Response type for the "nibiru.perp.v2.Query/PositionStore" gRPC service method

Field Type Label Description
positions Position repeated Position responses: collection of all stored positions (with pagination)
pagination cosmos.base.query.v1beta1.PageResponse pagination defines a paginated response

# QueryPositionsRequest

QueryPositionsRequest: Request type for the "nibiru.perp.v2.Query/Positions" gRPC service method

Field Type Label Description
trader string

# QueryPositionsResponse

QueryPositionsResponse: Response type for the "nibiru.perp.v2.Query/Positions" gRPC service method

Field Type Label Description
positions QueryPositionResponse repeated

# Query

Query defines the gRPC querier service.

Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
QueryPosition QueryPositionRequest QueryPositionResponse QueryPosition: Query one position on the given market for a user
QueryPositions QueryPositionsRequest QueryPositionsResponse QueryPositions: Query all positions for a user
QueryPositionStore QueryPositionStoreRequest QueryPositionStoreResponse QueryPositionStore queries all of the positions in the KV store.
ModuleAccounts QueryModuleAccountsRequest QueryModuleAccountsResponse Queries the module accounts for x/perp
QueryMarkets QueryMarketsRequest QueryMarketsResponse QueryMarkets: Query all markets
QueryCollateral QueryCollateralRequest QueryCollateralResponse QueryCollateral: Queries info about the collateral


# nibiru/perp/v2/state.proto


Field Type Label Description
pair string identifies the market this AMM belongs to
version uint64 the version of the AMM, only one AMM can exist per pair, when one is closed it cannot be reactivated, so a new AMM must be created, this is the version of the AMM
base_reserve string the amount of base reserves this AMM has
quote_reserve string the amount of quote reserves this AMM has
sqrt_depth string sqrt(k)
price_multiplier string the price multiplier of the dynamic AMM
total_long string Total long refers to the sum of long open notional in base.
total_short string Total short refers to the sum of short open notional in base.
settlement_price string The settlement price if the AMM is settled.

# DNRAllocation

DNRAllocation represents a rebates allocation for a given epoch.

Field Type Label Description
epoch uint64 epoch defines the reference epoch for the allocation.
amount cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin repeated amount of DNR allocated for the epoch.

# Market

Field Type Label Description
pair string the trading pair represented by this market always BASE:QUOTE, e.g. BTC:NUSD or ETH:NUSD
enabled bool whether or not the market is enabled
version uint64 the version of the Market, only one market can exist per pair, when one is closed it cannot be reactivated, so a new market must be created, this is the version of the market
maintenance_margin_ratio string the minimum margin ratio which a user must maintain on this market
max_leverage string the maximum leverage a user is able to be taken on this market
latest_cumulative_premium_fraction string Latest cumulative premium fraction for a given pair. Calculated once per funding rate interval. A premium fraction is the difference between mark and index, divided by the number of payments per day. (mark - index) / # payments in a day
exchange_fee_ratio string the percentage of the notional given to the exchange when trading
ecosystem_fund_fee_ratio string the percentage of the notional transferred to the ecosystem fund when trading
liquidation_fee_ratio string the percentage of liquidated position that will be given to out as a reward. Half of the liquidation fee is given to the liquidator, and the other half is given to the ecosystem fund.
partial_liquidation_ratio string the portion of the position size we try to liquidate if the available margin is higher than liquidation fee
funding_rate_epoch_id string specifies the interval on which the funding rate is updated
twap_lookback_window google.protobuf.Duration amount of time to look back for TWAP calculations
prepaid_bad_debt cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin the amount of collateral already credited from the ecosystem fund
max_funding_rate string the maximum funding rate payment per epoch, this represents the maximum amount of funding that can be paid out per epoch as a percentage of the position size

# MarketLastVersion

MarketLastVersion is used to store the last version of the market

Field Type Label Description
version uint64 version of the market

# Position

Field Type Label Description
trader_address string address identifies the address owner of this position
pair string pair identifies the pair associated with this position
size string the position size
margin string amount of margin remaining in the position
open_notional string value of position in quote assets when opened
latest_cumulative_premium_fraction string The most recent cumulative premium fraction this position has. Used to calculate the next funding payment.
last_updated_block_number int64 last block number this position was updated

# ReserveSnapshot

a snapshot of the perp.amm's reserves at a given point in time

Field Type Label Description
amm AMM
timestamp_ms int64 milliseconds since unix epoch

# Direction

The direction that the user is trading in LONG means the user is going long the base asset (e.g. buy BTC) SHORT means the user is shorting the base asset (e.g. sell BTC)

Name Number Description

# TwapCalcOption

Enumerates different options of calculating twap.

Name Number Description
SPOT 1 Spot price from quote asset reserve / base asset reserve
QUOTE_ASSET_SWAP 2 Swapping with quote assets, output denominated in base assets
BASE_ASSET_SWAP 3 Swapping with base assets, output denominated in quote assets


# nibiru/perp/v2/tx.proto

# MsgAddMargin

MsgAddMargin: Msg to remove margin.

Field Type Label Description
sender string
pair string
margin cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin

# MsgAddMarginResponse

Field Type Label Description
funding_payment string
position Position

# MsgAllocateEpochRebates

-------------------------- AllocateEpochRebates --------------------------

Field Type Label Description
sender string
rebates cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin repeated rebates to allocate

# MsgAllocateEpochRebatesResponse

Field Type Label Description
total_epoch_rebates cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin repeated

# MsgChangeCollateralDenom

MsgChangeCollateralDenom: Changes the collateral denom for the module. [Admin] Only callable by sudoers.

Field Type Label Description
sender string
new_denom string

# MsgChangeCollateralDenomResponse

# MsgClosePosition

Field Type Label Description
sender string
pair string

# MsgClosePositionResponse

Field Type Label Description
exchanged_notional_value string The amount of quote assets exchanged.
exchanged_position_size string The amount of base assets exchanged.
funding_payment string The funding payment applied on this position change, measured in quote units.
realized_pnl string The amount of PnL realized on this position changed, measured in quote units.
margin_to_trader string The amount of margin the trader receives after closing the position, from the vault. Should never be negative.

# MsgDonateToEcosystemFund

Field Type Label Description
sender string
donation cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin donation to the EF

# MsgDonateToEcosystemFundResponse

# MsgMarketOrder

Field Type Label Description
sender string
pair string
side Direction
quote_asset_amount string
leverage string
base_asset_amount_limit string

# MsgMarketOrderResponse

Field Type Label Description
position Position
exchanged_notional_value string The amount of quote assets exchanged.
exchanged_position_size string The amount of base assets exchanged.
funding_payment string The funding payment applied on this position change, measured in quote units.
realized_pnl string The amount of PnL realized on this position changed, measured in quote units.
unrealized_pnl_after string The unrealized PnL in the position after the position change, measured in quote units.
margin_to_vault string The amount of margin the trader has to give to the vault. A negative value means the vault pays the trader.
position_notional string The position's notional value after the position change, measured in quote units.

# MsgMultiLiquidate

Field Type Label Description
sender string
liquidations MsgMultiLiquidate.Liquidation repeated

# MsgMultiLiquidate.Liquidation

Field Type Label Description
pair string
trader string

# MsgMultiLiquidateResponse

Field Type Label Description
liquidations MsgMultiLiquidateResponse.LiquidationResponse repeated

# MsgMultiLiquidateResponse.LiquidationResponse

Field Type Label Description
success bool
error string
liquidator_fee cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin nullable since no fee is taken on failed liquidation
perp_ef_fee cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin perp ecosystem fund
trader string
pair string

# MsgPartialClose

Field Type Label Description
sender string
pair string
size string

# MsgPartialCloseResponse

Field Type Label Description
exchanged_notional_value string The amount of quote assets exchanged.
exchanged_position_size string The amount of base assets exchanged.
funding_payment string The funding payment applied on this position change, measured in quote units.
realized_pnl string The amount of PnL realized on this position changed, measured in quote units.
margin_to_trader string The amount of margin the trader receives after closing the position, from the vault. Should never be negative.

# MsgRemoveMargin

MsgRemoveMargin: Msg to remove margin.

Field Type Label Description
sender string
pair string
margin cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin

# MsgRemoveMarginResponse

Field Type Label Description
margin_out cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin tokens transferred back to the trader
funding_payment string the funding payment applied on this position interaction
position Position The resulting position

# MsgSettlePosition

MsgSettlePosition: Msg to remove margin.

Field Type Label Description
sender string
pair string
version uint64

# MsgShiftPegMultiplier

ShiftPegMultiplier: gRPC tx msg for changing the peg multiplier. Admin-only.

Field Type Label Description
sender string
pair string
new_peg_mult string

# MsgShiftPegMultiplierResponse

# MsgShiftSwapInvariant

ShiftSwapInvariant: gRPC tx msg for changing the swap invariant. Admin-only.

Field Type Label Description
sender string
pair string
new_swap_invariant string

# MsgShiftSwapInvariantResponse

# MsgWithdrawEpochRebates

-------------------------- WithdrawEpochRebates --------------------------

Field Type Label Description
sender string
epochs uint64 repeated

# MsgWithdrawEpochRebatesResponse

Field Type Label Description
withdrawn_rebates cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin repeated

# Msg

Msg defines the x/perp Msg service.

Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
RemoveMargin MsgRemoveMargin MsgRemoveMarginResponse
AddMargin MsgAddMargin MsgAddMarginResponse
MultiLiquidate MsgMultiLiquidate MsgMultiLiquidateResponse
MarketOrder MsgMarketOrder MsgMarketOrderResponse
ClosePosition MsgClosePosition MsgClosePositionResponse
PartialClose MsgPartialClose MsgPartialCloseResponse
SettlePosition MsgSettlePosition MsgClosePositionResponse
DonateToEcosystemFund MsgDonateToEcosystemFund MsgDonateToEcosystemFundResponse
ChangeCollateralDenom MsgChangeCollateralDenom MsgChangeCollateralDenomResponse ChangeCollateralDenom: Updates the collateral denom. A denom is valid if it is possible to make an sdk.Coin using it. [Admin] Only callable by sudoers.
AllocateEpochRebates MsgAllocateEpochRebates MsgAllocateEpochRebatesResponse
WithdrawEpochRebates MsgWithdrawEpochRebates MsgWithdrawEpochRebatesResponse
ShiftPegMultiplier MsgShiftPegMultiplier MsgShiftPegMultiplierResponse ShiftPegMultiplier: gRPC tx msg for changing a market's peg multiplier. [Admin] Only callable by sudoers.
ShiftSwapInvariant MsgShiftSwapInvariant MsgShiftSwapInvariantResponse ShiftSwapInvariant: gRPC tx msg for changing a market's swap invariant. [Admin] Only callable by sudoers.

# Scalar Value Types

.proto Type Notes C++ Java Python Go C# PHP Ruby
double double double float float64 double float Float
float float float float float32 float float Float
int32 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
int64 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
uint32 Uses variable-length encoding. uint32 int int/long uint32 uint integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
uint64 Uses variable-length encoding. uint64 long int/long uint64 ulong integer/string Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint32 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint64 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
fixed32 Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. uint32 int int uint32 uint integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
fixed64 Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. uint64 long int/long uint64 ulong integer/string Bignum
sfixed32 Always four bytes. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sfixed64 Always eight bytes. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
bool bool boolean boolean bool bool boolean TrueClass/FalseClass
string A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. string String str/unicode string string string String (UTF-8)
bytes May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. string ByteString str []byte ByteString string String (ASCII-8BIT)