# ERC20 Tokens

With the development of Nibiru EVM, the network supports Ethereum smart contracts, allowing for the deployment of ERC20 tokens. Each ERC20 token is a fungible digital asset on the Nibiru blockchain.

# FunToken Mapping Mechanism

How this works is that a canonical mapping called a "FunToken mapping" can be created between a ERC20 and Bank Coin. This mapping ties a unique connection between the two fungible token representations and enables all accounts to freely convert between both forms.

# How do Bank Coins differ from ERC20 tokens?

Aspect Bank Coins ERC20 Tokens
State Management Managed directly by the Bank module in its own key-value store Managed within each token's smart contract state
Creation Process Created through governance proposals, permissioned modules, or the Tokenfactory module Created by deploying new smart contracts
Efficiency Typically more gas-efficient due to native implementation Generally consume more gas due to smart contract execution
Standardization All follow the same standard and are handled uniformly by the blockchain Can have variations in implementation, though most follow a standard interface
Balance Queries Queried through the Bank module's API, which is easy to manage because the same generic query is used for all coins. Queried by calling the ERC20 token's smart contract, as balances are individually stored on each contract.
Transfer Mechanism Executed directly by the Bank module Executed by calling the token's transfer function
Supply Management Controlled by authorized modules or governance Managed by the token's smart contract logic
Permissionless Creation Possible via the Tokenfactory module Inherent (anyone can deploy a new token contract)
Storage Efficiency More efficient as all coins share the same infrastructure Each token contract stores its own data separately
Interoperability Native to the Bank Module but can be converted to ERC20 via the FunToken system Native to EVM environments (Nibiru EVM in this case) but can be converted to Bank Coins via the FunToken system

# Bridged USDC Standard

Circle's Bridged USDC Standard will be deployed on the Nibiru EVM when V2 hits mainnet.

"Bridged USDC Standard is a specification and process for deploying a bridged form of USDC on EVM blockchains with optionality for Circle to seamlessly upgrade to native issuance in the future.

The result is a secure and standardized way for any EVM blockchain and rollup team to transfer ownership of a bridged USDC token contract to Circle to facilitate an upgrade to native USDC, if and when both parties deem appropriate." - Circle Blog (opens new window).

More information on this is coming soon.

# LayerZero Assets

More information on this is coming soon.