# Nibiru Networks

Nibiru is as a distributed, peer-to-peer network. In order to engage with this network, whether to query the state of it from or to broadcast transactions, one must interface through the endpoint of a full node that is connected of the network.

Table of Contents:

# Permanent Testnet

Nibiru testnets are public networks that upgraded in advance of Nibiru's mainnet as beta-testing environments.

Tokens on the testnet do not hold real monetary value. Please be careful not to bridge or IBC transfer real tokens to testnet by mistake.

NibiJS: Testnet

Copy import { Testnet, NibiruQuerier } from "@nibiruchain/nibijs" const chain = Testnet(1) // corresponds to "nibiru-testnet-1" const queryClient = await NibiruQuerier.connect(chain.endptTm)

Nibiru CLI Config: Testnet

Copy RPC_URL="https://rpc.testnet-1.nibiru.fi:443" nibid config node $RPC_URL nibid config chain-id nibiru-testnet-1 nibid config broadcast-mode sync nibid config # Prints your new config to verify correctness

# Localnet: Local Test Netwowk

"Localnets" are a local instances of the Nibiru network. A local environment is no different from a real one, except that it has a single validator running on your host machine. Localnet is primarily used as a controllable, isolated development environment for testing purposes.

Similar to testnet, tokens on Localnet do not hold real monetary value. Please be careful not to bridge or IBC transfer real tokens to localnet by mistake.

NibiJS: Localnet

Copy import { Localnet, NibiruQuerier } from "@nibiruchain/nibijs" const chain = Localnet const queryClient = await NibiruQuerier.connect(chain.endptTm)

Nibiru CLI Config: Localnet

Copy RPC_URL="http://localhost:26657" nibid config node $RPC_URL nibid config chain-id nibiru-localnet-0 nibid config broadcast-mode sync nibid config # Prints your new config to verify correctness

# Mainnet (Real Funds)

Mainnet is the network where real economic activities take place.

Nibiru CLI Config: Mainnet

Copy RPC_URL="https://rpc.nibiru.fi:443" nibid config node $RPC_URL nibid config chain-id cataclysm-1 nibid config broadcast-mode sync nibid config # Prints your new config to verify correctness