# Set up a Pricefeeder (Testnet)

Instructions for validators to set up a Testnet pricefeeder.

  1. Install the pricefeeder binary

    Copy curl -s https://get.nibiru.fi/pricefeeder@v1.0.2! | bash
  2. Setup the systemd service

    See below for an explanation for the environment variables.

    Copy export CHAIN_ID="nibiru-testnet-1" export GRPC_ENDPOINT="localhost:9090" export WEBSOCKET_ENDPOINT="ws://localhost:26657/websocket" export FEEDER_MNEMONIC="<your feeder mnemonic here>" export VALIDATOR_ADDRESS="nibi1valoper..." Copy sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/pricefeeder.service<<EOF [Unit] Description=Nibiru Pricefeeder Requires=network-online.target After=network-online.target [Service] Type=exec User=<your user> Group=<your group> ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/pricefeeder Restart=on-failure ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID KillSignal=SIGTERM PermissionsStartOnly=true LimitNOFILE=65535 Environment=CHAIN_ID='$CHAIN_ID' Environment=GRPC_ENDPOINT='$GRPC_ENDPOINT' Environment=WEBSOCKET_ENDPOINT='$WEBSOCKET_ENDPOINT' Environment=EXCHANGE_SYMBOLS_MAP='$EXCHANGE_SYMBOLS_MAP' Environment=FEEDER_MNEMONIC='$FEEDER_MNEMONIC' [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF Copy sudo systemctl daemon-reload && \ sudo systemctl enable pricefeeder && \ sudo systemctl start pricefeeder Copy # view pricefeeder logs journalctl -fu pricefeeder

# Environment Variables

Name Description Example
CHAIN_ID the chain id nibiru-testnet-1
GRPC_ENDPOINT the endpoint to fetch query params send txs localhost:9090 if running locally lcd.testnet-1.nibiru.fi:443 if running remotely
WEBSOCKET_ENDPOINT the endpoint to fetch streaming updates ws://localhost:26657/websocket if running locally wss://lcd.testnet-1.nibiru.fi/websocket if running remotely
FEEDER_MNEMONIC the account that sends price votes guard cream sadness conduct invite crumble clock pudding hole grit liar hotel maid produce squeeze return argue turtle know drive eight casino maze host
VALIDATOR_ADDRESS (OPTIONAL) the validator to send price votes for, not needed if the FEEDER_MNEMONIC is the validator mnemonic nibivaloper1zaavvzxez0elundtn32qnk9lkm8kmcszuwx9jz

# How to delegate pricefeeder responsibility

As a validator, if you'd like another account to post prices on your behalf (i.e. you don't want your validator mnemonic sending txs), you can delegate pricefeeder responsibilities to another nibi address.

Copy nibid tx oracle set-feeder <nibi address> --from validator

Now that address can start sending votes on behalf of your validator. Just make sure that the FEEDER_MNEMONIC corresponds to the delegated address and the VALIDATOR_ADDRESS is set.