# Module: Bank

bank module allows you to manage assets for accounts loaded into the local keys module

# Available Commands

# Transactions

nibid tx bank Description
send Send funds from one account to another.

# Queries

nibid query bank Description
balances Query for account balances by address
total Query the total supply of coins of the chain
denom-metadata Query the client metadata for coin denominations

# nibid query bank balances

Query the total balance of an account or of a specific denomination.

Copy nibid query bank balances [address] [flags]


Name Description
address Bech32 address that the query will return balances for


Name, shorthand Description
--help, -h Help for balances
--denom The specific balance denomination to query for
--count-total Count total number of records in all balances to query for
--height Use a specific block height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)

# nibid query bank total

Query total supply of coins that are held by accounts in the chain.

Copy nibid query bank total [flags]


Name, shorthand Description
--help, -h Help for coin-type
--denom The specific balance denomination to query for

# nibid tx bank send

Sending tokens to another address, this command includes generate, sign and broadcast steps.

Copy nibid tx bank send [from_key_or_address] [to_address] [amount] [flags]


Name, shorthand Description
--help, -h Help for send