# Module: Wasm

The wasm module of Nibiru Chain allows for executing CosmWasm smart contracts, enabling developers to build decentralized applications (dApps) with transaction messages for contract deployment, execution, and parameter updates. It emits events for transaction indexing, aiding contract interaction tracking and platform adoption.

# Contents


# Events

A number of events are returned to allow transaction messages (TxMsgs) from smart contracts to be indexed.

The module for each event is "wasm", and code_id is only present when instantiating a contract so that users can subscribe to new contract instances. The code_id is omitted during invokation (wasm.Execute). These events are emitted any time a contract returns non-empty event attributes.

There is also an "action" field that is added automaticallyand has a value of either store-code, instantiate or execute depending on which message was sent:

Ex: Instantiate Event

Copy { "Type": "message", "Attr": [ { "key": "module", "value": "wasm" }, { "key": "action", "value": "instantiate" }, { "key": "signer", "value": "nibi1vx8knpllrj7n963p9ttd80w47kpacrhuts497x" }, { "key": "code_id", "value": "1" }, { "key": "_contract_address", "value": "nibi14hj2tavq8fpesdwxxcu44rty3hh90vhujrvcmstl4zr3txmfvw9s4hmalr" } ] }

# Transaction Messages (TxMsgs)

TxMsg: Wasm Description
MsgStoreCode MsgStoreCode to submit Wasm code to the system
MsgInstantiateContract MsgInstantiateContract creates a new smart contract instance for the given code id.
MsgInstantiateContract2 MsgInstantiateContract2 creates a new smart contract instance for the given code id with a predictable address
MsgExecuteContract MsgExecute submits the given message data to a smart contract
MsgMigrateContract MsgMigrate runs a code upgrade/downgrade for a smart contract
MsgUpdateAdmin MsgUpdateAdmin sets a new admin for a smart contract
MsgClearAdmin MsgClearAdmin removes any admin stored for a smart contract
MsgUpdateInstantiateConfig MsgUpdateInstantiateConfig updates instantiate config for a smart contract
MsgUpdateParams MsgUpdateParams defines a governance operation for updating the x/wasm module parameters
MsgSudoContract MsgSudoContract defines a governance operation for calling sudo on a contract
MsgPinCodes MsgPinCodes defines a governance operation for pinning a set of code ids in the wasmvm cache
MsgUnpinCodes MsgUnpinCodes defines a governance operation for unpinning a set of code ids in the wasmvm cache
MsgStoreAndInstantiateContract MsgStoreAndInstantiateContract defines a governance operation for storing and instantiating the contract
MsgRemoveCodeUploadParamsAddresses MsgRemoveCodeUploadParamsAddresses defines a governance operation for removing addresses from code upload params
MsgAddCodeUploadParamsAddresses MsgAddCodeUploadParamsAddresses defines a governance operation for adding addresses to code upload params
MsgStoreAndMigrateContract MsgStoreAndMigrateContract defines a governance operation for storing and migrating the contract
MsgUpdateContractLabel MsgUpdateContractLabel sets a new label for a smart contract

The full list of messages is described by the module's gRPC MsgClient (opens new window).