# x/group

# Abstract

The following documents specify the group module.

This module allows the creation and management of on-chain multisig accounts and enables voting for message execution based on configurable decision policies.

# Contents

# Concepts

# Group

A group is simply an aggregation of accounts with associated weights. It is not an account and doesn't have a balance. It doesn't in and of itself have any sort of voting or decision weight. It does have an "administrator" which has the ability to add, remove and update members in the group. Note that a group policy account could be an administrator of a group, and that the administrator doesn't necessarily have to be a member of the group.

# Group Policy

A group policy is an account associated with a group and a decision policy. Group policies are abstracted from groups because a single group may have multiple decision policies for different types of actions. Managing group membership separately from decision policies results in the least overhead and keeps membership consistent across different policies. The pattern that is recommended is to have a single master group policy for a given group, and then to create separate group policies with different decision policies and delegate the desired permissions from the master account to those "sub-accounts" using the x/authz module.

# Decision Policy

A decision policy is the mechanism by which members of a group can vote on proposals, as well as the rules that dictate whether a proposal should pass or not based on its tally outcome.

All decision policies generally would have a mininum execution period and a maximum voting window. The minimum execution period is the minimum amount of time that must pass after submission in order for a proposal to potentially be executed, and it may be set to 0. The maximum voting window is the maximum time after submission that a proposal may be voted on before it is tallied.

The chain developer also defines an app-wide maximum execution period, which is the maximum amount of time after a proposal's voting period end where users are allowed to execute a proposal.

The current group module comes shipped with two decision policies: threshold and percentage. Any chain developer can extend upon these two, by creating custom decision policies, as long as they adhere to the DecisionPolicy interface:

Copy https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/v0.47.0-rc1/x/group/types.go#L27-L45

# Threshold decision policy

A threshold decision policy defines a threshold of yes votes (based on a tally of voter weights) that must be achieved in order for a proposal to pass. For this decision policy, abstain and veto are simply treated as no's.

This decision policy also has a VotingPeriod window and a MinExecutionPeriod window. The former defines the duration after proposal submission where members are allowed to vote, after which tallying is performed. The latter specifies the minimum duration after proposal submission where the proposal can be executed. If set to 0, then the proposal is allowed to be executed immediately on submission (using the TRY_EXEC option). Obviously, MinExecutionPeriod cannot be greater than VotingPeriod+MaxExecutionPeriod (where MaxExecution is the app-defined duration that specifies the window after voting ended where a proposal can be executed).

# Percentage decision policy

A percentage decision policy is similar to a threshold decision policy, except that the threshold is not defined as a constant weight, but as a percentage. It's more suited for groups where the group members' weights can be updated, as the percentage threshold stays the same, and doesn't depend on how those member weights get updated.

Same as the Threshold decision policy, the percentage decision policy has the two VotingPeriod and MinExecutionPeriod parameters.

# Proposal

Any member(s) of a group can submit a proposal for a group policy account to decide upon. A proposal consists of a set of messages that will be executed if the proposal passes as well as any metadata associated with the proposal.

# Voting

There are four choices to choose while voting - yes, no, abstain and veto. Not all decision policies will take the four choices into account. Votes can contain some optional metadata. In the current implementation, the voting window begins as soon as a proposal is submitted, and the end is defined by the group policy's decision policy.

# Withdrawing Proposals

Proposals can be withdrawn any time before the voting period end, either by the admin of the group policy or by one of the proposers. Once withdrawn, it is marked as PROPOSAL_STATUS_WITHDRAWN, and no more voting or execution is allowed on it.

# Aborted Proposals

If the group policy is updated during the voting period of the proposal, then the proposal is marked as PROPOSAL_STATUS_ABORTED, and no more voting or execution is allowed on it. This is because the group policy defines the rules of proposal voting and execution, so if those rules change during the lifecycle of a proposal, then the proposal should be marked as stale.

# Tallying

Tallying is the counting of all votes on a proposal. It happens only once in the lifecycle of a proposal, but can be triggered by two factors, whichever happens first:

  • either someone tries to execute the proposal (see next section), which can happen on a Msg/Exec transaction, or a Msg/{SubmitProposal,Vote} transaction with the Exec field set. When a proposal execution is attempted, a tally is done first to make sure the proposal passes.
  • or on EndBlock when the proposal's voting period end just passed.

If the tally result passes the decision policy's rules, then the proposal is marked as PROPOSAL_STATUS_ACCEPTED, or else it is marked as PROPOSAL_STATUS_REJECTED. In any case, no more voting is allowed anymore, and the tally result is persisted to state in the proposal's FinalTallyResult.

# Executing Proposals

Proposals are executed only when the tallying is done, and the group account's decision policy allows the proposal to pass based on the tally outcome. They are marked by the status PROPOSAL_STATUS_ACCEPTED. Execution must happen before a duration of MaxExecutionPeriod (set by the chain developer) after each proposal's voting period end.

Proposals will not be automatically executed by the chain in this current design, but rather a user must submit a Msg/Exec transaction to attempt to execute the proposal based on the current votes and decision policy. Any user (not only the group members) can execute proposals that have been accepted, and execution fees are paid by the proposal executor. It's also possible to try to execute a proposal immediately on creation or on new votes using the Exec field of Msg/SubmitProposal and Msg/Vote requests. In the former case, proposers signatures are considered as yes votes. In these cases, if the proposal can't be executed (i.e. it didn't pass the decision policy's rules), it will still be opened for new votes and could be tallied and executed later on.

A successful proposal execution will have its ExecutorResult marked as PROPOSAL_EXECUTOR_RESULT_SUCCESS. The proposal will be automatically pruned after execution. On the other hand, a failed proposal execution will be marked as PROPOSAL_EXECUTOR_RESULT_FAILURE. Such a proposal can be re-executed multiple times, until it expires after MaxExecutionPeriod after voting period end.

# Pruning

Proposals and votes are automatically pruned to avoid state bloat.

Votes are pruned:

  • either after a successful tally, i.e. a tally whose result passes the decision policy's rules, which can be trigged by a Msg/Exec or a Msg/{SubmitProposal,Vote} with the Exec field set,
  • or on EndBlock right after the proposal's voting period end. This applies to proposals with status aborted or withdrawn too.

whichever happens first.

Proposals are pruned:

  • on EndBlock whose proposal status is withdrawn or aborted on proposal's voting period end before tallying,
  • and either after a successful proposal execution,
  • or on EndBlock right after the proposal's voting_period_end + max_execution_period (defined as an app-wide configuration) is passed,

whichever happens first.

# State

The group module uses the orm package which provides table storage with support for primary keys and secondary indexes. orm also defines Sequence which is a persistent unique key generator based on a counter that can be used along with Tables.

Here's the list of tables and associated sequences and indexes stored as part of the group module.

# Group Table

The groupTable stores GroupInfo: 0x0 | BigEndian(GroupId) -> ProtocolBuffer(GroupInfo).

# groupSeq

The value of groupSeq is incremented when creating a new group and corresponds to the new GroupId: 0x1 | 0x1 -> BigEndian.

The second 0x1 corresponds to the ORM sequenceStorageKey.

# groupByAdminIndex

groupByAdminIndex allows to retrieve groups by admin address: 0x2 | len([]byte(group.Admin)) | []byte(group.Admin) | BigEndian(GroupId) -> []byte().

# Group Member Table

The groupMemberTable stores GroupMembers: 0x10 | BigEndian(GroupId) | []byte(member.Address) -> ProtocolBuffer(GroupMember).

The groupMemberTable is a primary key table and its PrimaryKey is given by BigEndian(GroupId) | []byte(member.Address) which is used by the following indexes.

# groupMemberByGroupIndex

groupMemberByGroupIndex allows to retrieve group members by group id: 0x11 | BigEndian(GroupId) | PrimaryKey -> []byte().

# groupMemberByMemberIndex

groupMemberByMemberIndex allows to retrieve group members by member address: 0x12 | len([]byte(member.Address)) | []byte(member.Address) | PrimaryKey -> []byte().

# Group Policy Table

The groupPolicyTable stores GroupPolicyInfo: 0x20 | len([]byte(Address)) | []byte(Address) -> ProtocolBuffer(GroupPolicyInfo).

The groupPolicyTable is a primary key table and its PrimaryKey is given by len([]byte(Address)) | []byte(Address) which is used by the following indexes.

# groupPolicySeq

The value of groupPolicySeq is incremented when creating a new group policy and is used to generate the new group policy account Address: 0x21 | 0x1 -> BigEndian.

The second 0x1 corresponds to the ORM sequenceStorageKey.

# groupPolicyByGroupIndex

groupPolicyByGroupIndex allows to retrieve group policies by group id: 0x22 | BigEndian(GroupId) | PrimaryKey -> []byte().

# groupPolicyByAdminIndex

groupPolicyByAdminIndex allows to retrieve group policies by admin address: 0x23 | len([]byte(Address)) | []byte(Address) | PrimaryKey -> []byte().

# Proposal Table

The proposalTable stores Proposals: 0x30 | BigEndian(ProposalId) -> ProtocolBuffer(Proposal).

# proposalSeq

The value of proposalSeq is incremented when creating a new proposal and corresponds to the new ProposalId: 0x31 | 0x1 -> BigEndian.

The second 0x1 corresponds to the ORM sequenceStorageKey.

# proposalByGroupPolicyIndex

proposalByGroupPolicyIndex allows to retrieve proposals by group policy account address: 0x32 | len([]byte(account.Address)) | []byte(account.Address) | BigEndian(ProposalId) -> []byte().

# ProposalsByVotingPeriodEndIndex

proposalsByVotingPeriodEndIndex allows to retrieve proposals sorted by chronological voting_period_end: 0x33 | sdk.FormatTimeBytes(proposal.VotingPeriodEnd) | BigEndian(ProposalId) -> []byte().

This index is used when tallying the proposal votes at the end of the voting period, and for pruning proposals at VotingPeriodEnd + MaxExecutionPeriod.

# Vote Table

The voteTable stores Votes: 0x40 | BigEndian(ProposalId) | []byte(voter.Address) -> ProtocolBuffer(Vote).

The voteTable is a primary key table and its PrimaryKey is given by BigEndian(ProposalId) | []byte(voter.Address) which is used by the following indexes.

# voteByProposalIndex

voteByProposalIndex allows to retrieve votes by proposal id: 0x41 | BigEndian(ProposalId) | PrimaryKey -> []byte().

# voteByVoterIndex

voteByVoterIndex allows to retrieve votes by voter address: 0x42 | len([]byte(voter.Address)) | []byte(voter.Address) | PrimaryKey -> []byte().

# Msg Service

# Msg/CreateGroup

A new group can be created with the MsgCreateGroup, which has an admin address, a list of members and some optional metadata.

The metadata has a maximum length that is chosen by the app developer, and passed into the group keeper as a config.

Copy https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/v0.47.0-rc1/proto/cosmos/group/v1/tx.proto#L67-L80

It's expected to fail if

  • metadata length is greater than MaxMetadataLen config
  • members are not correctly set (e.g. wrong address format, duplicates, or with 0 weight).

# Msg/UpdateGroupMembers

Group members can be updated with the UpdateGroupMembers.

Copy https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/v0.47.0-rc1/proto/cosmos/group/v1/tx.proto#L88-L102

In the list of MemberUpdates, an existing member can be removed by setting its weight to 0.

It's expected to fail if:

  • the signer is not the admin of the group.
  • for any one of the associated group policies, if its decision policy's Validate() method fails against the updated group.

# Msg/UpdateGroupAdmin

The UpdateGroupAdmin can be used to update a group admin.

Copy https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/v0.47.0-rc1/proto/cosmos/group/v1/tx.proto#L107-L120

It's expected to fail if the signer is not the admin of the group.

# Msg/UpdateGroupMetadata

The UpdateGroupMetadata can be used to update a group metadata.

Copy https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/v0.47.0-rc1/proto/cosmos/group/v1/tx.proto#L125-L138

It's expected to fail if:

  • new metadata length is greater than MaxMetadataLen config.
  • the signer is not the admin of the group.

# Msg/CreateGroupPolicy

A new group policy can be created with the MsgCreateGroupPolicy, which has an admin address, a group id, a decision policy and some optional metadata.

Copy https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/v0.47.0-rc1/proto/cosmos/group/v1/tx.proto#L147-L165

It's expected to fail if:

  • the signer is not the admin of the group.
  • metadata length is greater than MaxMetadataLen config.
  • the decision policy's Validate() method doesn't pass against the group.

# Msg/CreateGroupWithPolicy

A new group with policy can be created with the MsgCreateGroupWithPolicy, which has an admin address, a list of members, a decision policy, a group_policy_as_admin field to optionally set group and group policy admin with group policy address and some optional metadata for group and group policy.

Copy https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/v0.47.0-rc1/proto/cosmos/group/v1/tx.proto#L191-L215

It's expected to fail for the same reasons as Msg/CreateGroup and Msg/CreateGroupPolicy.

# Msg/UpdateGroupPolicyAdmin

The UpdateGroupPolicyAdmin can be used to update a group policy admin.

Copy https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/v0.47.0-rc1/proto/cosmos/group/v1/tx.proto#L173-L186

It's expected to fail if the signer is not the admin of the group policy.

# Msg/UpdateGroupPolicyDecisionPolicy

The UpdateGroupPolicyDecisionPolicy can be used to update a decision policy.

Copy https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/v0.47.0-rc1/proto/cosmos/group/v1/tx.proto#L226-L241

It's expected to fail if:

  • the signer is not the admin of the group policy.
  • the new decision policy's Validate() method doesn't pass against the group.

# Msg/UpdateGroupPolicyMetadata

The UpdateGroupPolicyMetadata can be used to update a group policy metadata.

Copy https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/v0.47.0-rc1/proto/cosmos/group/v1/tx.proto#L246-L259

It's expected to fail if:

  • new metadata length is greater than MaxMetadataLen config.
  • the signer is not the admin of the group.

# Msg/SubmitProposal

A new proposal can be created with the MsgSubmitProposal, which has a group policy account address, a list of proposers addresses, a list of messages to execute if the proposal is accepted and some optional metadata. An optional Exec value can be provided to try to execute the proposal immediately after proposal creation. Proposers signatures are considered as yes votes in this case.

Copy https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/v0.47.0-rc1/proto/cosmos/group/v1/tx.proto#L281-L315

It's expected to fail if:

  • metadata, title, or summary length is greater than MaxMetadataLen config.
  • if any of the proposers is not a group member.

# Msg/WithdrawProposal

A proposal can be withdrawn using MsgWithdrawProposal which has an address (can be either a proposer or the group policy admin) and a proposal_id (which has to be withdrawn).

Copy https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/v0.47.0-rc1/proto/cosmos/group/v1/tx.proto#L323-L333

It's expected to fail if:

  • the signer is neither the group policy admin nor proposer of the proposal.
  • the proposal is already closed or aborted.

# Msg/Vote

A new vote can be created with the MsgVote, given a proposal id, a voter address, a choice (yes, no, veto or abstain) and some optional metadata. An optional Exec value can be provided to try to execute the proposal immediately after voting.

Copy https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/v0.47.0-rc1/proto/cosmos/group/v1/tx.proto#L338-L358

It's expected to fail if:

  • metadata length is greater than MaxMetadataLen config.
  • the proposal is not in voting period anymore.

# Msg/Exec

A proposal can be executed with the MsgExec.

Copy https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/v0.47.0-rc1/proto/cosmos/group/v1/tx.proto#L363-L373

The messages that are part of this proposal won't be executed if:

  • the proposal has not been accepted by the group policy.
  • the proposal has already been successfully executed.

# Msg/LeaveGroup

The MsgLeaveGroup allows group member to leave a group.

Copy https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/v0.47.0-rc1/proto/cosmos/group/v1/tx.proto#L381-L391

It's expected to fail if:

  • the group member is not part of the group.
  • for any one of the associated group policies, if its decision policy's Validate() method fails against the updated group.

# Events

The group module emits the following events:

# EventCreateGroup

Type Attribute Key Attribute Value
message action /cosmos.group.v1.Msg/CreateGroup
cosmos.group.v1.EventCreateGroup group_id

# EventUpdateGroup

Type Attribute Key Attribute Value
message action /cosmos.group.v1.Msg/UpdateGroup
cosmos.group.v1.EventUpdateGroup group_id

# EventCreateGroupPolicy

Type Attribute Key Attribute Value
message action /cosmos.group.v1.Msg/CreateGroupPolicy
cosmos.group.v1.EventCreateGroupPolicy address

# EventUpdateGroupPolicy

Type Attribute Key Attribute Value
message action /cosmos.group.v1.Msg/UpdateGroupPolicy
cosmos.group.v1.EventUpdateGroupPolicy address

# EventCreateProposal

Type Attribute Key Attribute Value
message action /cosmos.group.v1.Msg/CreateProposal
cosmos.group.v1.EventCreateProposal proposal_id

# EventWithdrawProposal

Type Attribute Key Attribute Value
message action /cosmos.group.v1.Msg/WithdrawProposal
cosmos.group.v1.EventWithdrawProposal proposal_id

# EventVote

Type Attribute Key Attribute Value
message action /cosmos.group.v1.Msg/Vote
cosmos.group.v1.EventVote proposal_id

# EventExec

Type Attribute Key Attribute Value
message action /cosmos.group.v1.Msg/Exec
cosmos.group.v1.EventExec proposal_id
cosmos.group.v1.EventExec logs

# EventLeaveGroup

Type Attribute Key Attribute Value
message action /cosmos.group.v1.Msg/LeaveGroup
cosmos.group.v1.EventLeaveGroup proposal_id
cosmos.group.v1.EventLeaveGroup address

# Client


A user can query and interact with the group module using the CLI.

# Query

The query commands allow users to query group state.

Copy simd query group --help
# group-info

The group-info command allows users to query for group info by given group id.

Copy simd query group group-info [id] [flags]


Copy simd query group group-info 1

Example Output:

Copy admin: cosmos1.. group_id: "1" metadata: AQ== total_weight: "3" version: "1"
# group-policy-info

The group-policy-info command allows users to query for group policy info by account address of group policy .

Copy simd query group group-policy-info [group-policy-account] [flags]


Copy simd query group group-policy-info cosmos1..

Example Output:

Copy address: cosmos1.. admin: cosmos1.. decision_policy: '@type': /cosmos.group.v1.ThresholdDecisionPolicy threshold: "1" windows: min_execution_period: 0s voting_period: 432000s group_id: "1" metadata: AQ== version: "1"
# group-members

The group-members command allows users to query for group members by group id with pagination flags.

Copy simd query group group-members [id] [flags]


Copy simd query group group-members 1

Example Output:

Copy members: - group_id: "1" member: address: cosmos1.. metadata: AQ== weight: "2" - group_id: "1" member: address: cosmos1.. metadata: AQ== weight: "1" pagination: next_key: null total: "2"
# groups-by-admin

The groups-by-admin command allows users to query for groups by admin account address with pagination flags.

Copy simd query group groups-by-admin [admin] [flags]


Copy simd query group groups-by-admin cosmos1..

Example Output:

Copy groups: - admin: cosmos1.. group_id: "1" metadata: AQ== total_weight: "3" version: "1" - admin: cosmos1.. group_id: "2" metadata: AQ== total_weight: "3" version: "1" pagination: next_key: null total: "2"
# group-policies-by-group

The group-policies-by-group command allows users to query for group policies by group id with pagination flags.

Copy simd query group group-policies-by-group [group-id] [flags]


Copy simd query group group-policies-by-group 1

Example Output:

Copy group_policies: - address: cosmos1.. admin: cosmos1.. decision_policy: '@type': /cosmos.group.v1.ThresholdDecisionPolicy threshold: "1" windows: min_execution_period: 0s voting_period: 432000s group_id: "1" metadata: AQ== version: "1" - address: cosmos1.. admin: cosmos1.. decision_policy: '@type': /cosmos.group.v1.ThresholdDecisionPolicy threshold: "1" windows: min_execution_period: 0s voting_period: 432000s group_id: "1" metadata: AQ== version: "1" pagination: next_key: null total: "2"
# group-policies-by-admin

The group-policies-by-admin command allows users to query for group policies by admin account address with pagination flags.

Copy simd query group group-policies-by-admin [admin] [flags]


Copy simd query group group-policies-by-admin cosmos1..

Example Output:

Copy group_policies: - address: cosmos1.. admin: cosmos1.. decision_policy: '@type': /cosmos.group.v1.ThresholdDecisionPolicy threshold: "1" windows: min_execution_period: 0s voting_period: 432000s group_id: "1" metadata: AQ== version: "1" - address: cosmos1.. admin: cosmos1.. decision_policy: '@type': /cosmos.group.v1.ThresholdDecisionPolicy threshold: "1" windows: min_execution_period: 0s voting_period: 432000s group_id: "1" metadata: AQ== version: "1" pagination: next_key: null total: "2"
# proposal

The proposal command allows users to query for proposal by id.

Copy simd query group proposal [id] [flags]


Copy simd query group proposal 1

Example Output:

Copy proposal: address: cosmos1.. executor_result: EXECUTOR_RESULT_NOT_RUN group_policy_version: "1" group_version: "1" metadata: AQ== msgs: - '@type': /cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend amount: - amount: "100000000" denom: stake from_address: cosmos1.. to_address: cosmos1.. proposal_id: "1" proposers: - cosmos1.. result: RESULT_UNFINALIZED status: STATUS_SUBMITTED submitted_at: "2021-12-17T07:06:26.310638964Z" windows: min_execution_period: 0s voting_period: 432000s vote_state: abstain_count: "0" no_count: "0" veto_count: "0" yes_count: "0" summary: "Summary" title: "Title"
# proposals-by-group-policy

The proposals-by-group-policy command allows users to query for proposals by account address of group policy with pagination flags.

Copy simd query group proposals-by-group-policy [group-policy-account] [flags]


Copy simd query group proposals-by-group-policy cosmos1..

Example Output:

Copy pagination: next_key: null total: "1" proposals: - address: cosmos1.. executor_result: EXECUTOR_RESULT_NOT_RUN group_policy_version: "1" group_version: "1" metadata: AQ== msgs: - '@type': /cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend amount: - amount: "100000000" denom: stake from_address: cosmos1.. to_address: cosmos1.. proposal_id: "1" proposers: - cosmos1.. result: RESULT_UNFINALIZED status: STATUS_SUBMITTED submitted_at: "2021-12-17T07:06:26.310638964Z" windows: min_execution_period: 0s voting_period: 432000s vote_state: abstain_count: "0" no_count: "0" veto_count: "0" yes_count: "0" summary: "Summary" title: "Title"
# vote

The vote command allows users to query for vote by proposal id and voter account address.

Copy simd query group vote [proposal-id] [voter] [flags]


Copy simd query group vote 1 cosmos1..

Example Output:

Copy vote: choice: CHOICE_YES metadata: AQ== proposal_id: "1" submitted_at: "2021-12-17T08:05:02.490164009Z" voter: cosmos1..
# votes-by-proposal

The votes-by-proposal command allows users to query for votes by proposal id with pagination flags.

Copy simd query group votes-by-proposal [proposal-id] [flags]


Copy simd query group votes-by-proposal 1

Example Output:

Copy pagination: next_key: null total: "1" votes: - choice: CHOICE_YES metadata: AQ== proposal_id: "1" submitted_at: "2021-12-17T08:05:02.490164009Z" voter: cosmos1..
# votes-by-voter

The votes-by-voter command allows users to query for votes by voter account address with pagination flags.

Copy simd query group votes-by-voter [voter] [flags]


Copy simd query group votes-by-voter cosmos1..

Example Output:

Copy pagination: next_key: null total: "1" votes: - choice: CHOICE_YES metadata: AQ== proposal_id: "1" submitted_at: "2021-12-17T08:05:02.490164009Z" voter: cosmos1..

# Transactions

The tx commands allow users to interact with the group module.

Copy simd tx group --help

# create-group

The create-group command allows users to create a group which is an aggregation of member accounts with associated weights and an administrator account.

Copy simd tx group create-group [admin] [metadata] [members-json-file]


Copy simd tx group create-group cosmos1.. "AQ==" members.json

# update-group-admin

The update-group-admin command allows users to update a group's admin.

Copy simd tx group update-group-admin [admin] [group-id] [new-admin] [flags]


Copy simd tx group update-group-admin cosmos1.. 1 cosmos1..

# update-group-members

The update-group-members command allows users to update a group's members.

Copy simd tx group update-group-members [admin] [group-id] [members-json-file] [flags]


Copy simd tx group update-group-members cosmos1.. 1 members.json

# update-group-metadata

The update-group-metadata command allows users to update a group's metadata.

Copy simd tx group update-group-metadata [admin] [group-id] [metadata] [flags]


Copy simd tx group update-group-metadata cosmos1.. 1 "AQ=="

# create-group-policy

The create-group-policy command allows users to create a group policy which is an account associated with a group and a decision policy.

Copy simd tx group create-group-policy [admin] [group-id] [metadata] [decision-policy] [flags]


Copy simd tx group create-group-policy cosmos1.. 1 "AQ==" '{"@type":"/cosmos.group.v1.ThresholdDecisionPolicy", "threshold":"1", "windows": {"voting_period": "120h", "min_execution_period": "0s"}}'

# create-group-with-policy

The create-group-with-policy command allows users to create a group which is an aggregation of member accounts with associated weights and an administrator account with decision policy. If the --group-policy-as-admin flag is set to true, the group policy address becomes the group and group policy admin.

Copy simd tx group create-group-with-policy [admin] [group-metadata] [group-policy-metadata] [members-json-file] [decision-policy] [flags]


Copy simd tx group create-group-with-policy cosmos1.. "AQ==" "AQ==" members.json '{"@type":"/cosmos.group.v1.ThresholdDecisionPolicy", "threshold":"1", "windows": {"voting_period": "120h", "min_execution_period": "0s"}}'

# update-group-policy-admin

The update-group-policy-admin command allows users to update a group policy admin.

Copy simd tx group update-group-policy-admin [admin] [group-policy-account] [new-admin] [flags]


Copy simd tx group update-group-policy-admin cosmos1.. cosmos1.. cosmos1..

# update-group-policy-metadata

The update-group-policy-metadata command allows users to update a group policy metadata.

Copy simd tx group update-group-policy-metadata [admin] [group-policy-account] [new-metadata] [flags]


Copy simd tx group update-group-policy-metadata cosmos1.. cosmos1.. "AQ=="

# update-group-policy-decision-policy

The update-group-policy-decision-policy command allows users to update a group policy's decision policy.

Copy simd tx group update-group-policy-decision-policy [admin] [group-policy-account] [decision-policy] [flags]


Copy simd tx group update-group-policy-decision-policy cosmos1.. cosmos1.. '{"@type":"/cosmos.group.v1.ThresholdDecisionPolicy", "threshold":"2", "windows": {"voting_period": "120h", "min_execution_period": "0s"}}'

# create-proposal

The create-proposal command allows users to submit a new proposal.

Copy simd tx group create-proposal [group-policy-account] [proposer[,proposer]*] [msg_tx_json_file] [metadata] [flags]


Copy simd tx group create-proposal cosmos1.. cosmos1.. msg_tx.json "AQ=="

# withdraw-proposal

The withdraw-proposal command allows users to withdraw a proposal.

Copy simd tx group withdraw-proposal [proposal-id] [group-policy-admin-or-proposer]


Copy simd tx group withdraw-proposal 1 cosmos1..

# vote

The vote command allows users to vote on a proposal.

Copy simd tx group vote proposal-id] [voter] [choice] [metadata] [flags]


Copy simd tx group vote 1 cosmos1.. CHOICE_YES "AQ=="

# exec

The exec command allows users to execute a proposal.

Copy simd tx group exec [proposal-id] [flags]


Copy simd tx group exec 1

# leave-group

The leave-group command allows group member to leave the group.

Copy simd tx group leave-group [member-address] [group-id]


Copy simd tx group leave-group cosmos1... 1

# gRPC

A user can query the group module using gRPC endpoints.

# GroupInfo

The GroupInfo endpoint allows users to query for group info by given group id.

Copy cosmos.group.v1.Query/GroupInfo


Copy grpcurl -plaintext \ -d '{"group_id":1}' localhost:9090 cosmos.group.v1.Query/GroupInfo

Example Output:

Copy { "info": { "groupId": "1", "admin": "cosmos1..", "metadata": "AQ==", "version": "1", "totalWeight": "3" } }

# GroupPolicyInfo

The GroupPolicyInfo endpoint allows users to query for group policy info by account address of group policy.

Copy cosmos.group.v1.Query/GroupPolicyInfo


Copy grpcurl -plaintext \ -d '{"address":"cosmos1.."}' localhost:9090 cosmos.group.v1.Query/GroupPolicyInfo

Example Output:

Copy { "info": { "address": "cosmos1..", "groupId": "1", "admin": "cosmos1..", "version": "1", "decisionPolicy": {"@type":"/cosmos.group.v1.ThresholdDecisionPolicy","threshold":"1","windows": {"voting_period": "120h", "min_execution_period": "0s"}}, } }

# GroupMembers

The GroupMembers endpoint allows users to query for group members by group id with pagination flags.

Copy cosmos.group.v1.Query/GroupMembers


Copy grpcurl -plaintext \ -d '{"group_id":"1"}' localhost:9090 cosmos.group.v1.Query/GroupMembers

Example Output:

Copy { "members": [ { "groupId": "1", "member": { "address": "cosmos1..", "weight": "1" } }, { "groupId": "1", "member": { "address": "cosmos1..", "weight": "2" } } ], "pagination": { "total": "2" } }

# GroupsByAdmin

The GroupsByAdmin endpoint allows users to query for groups by admin account address with pagination flags.

Copy cosmos.group.v1.Query/GroupsByAdmin


Copy grpcurl -plaintext \ -d '{"admin":"cosmos1.."}' localhost:9090 cosmos.group.v1.Query/GroupsByAdmin

Example Output:

Copy { "groups": [ { "groupId": "1", "admin": "cosmos1..", "metadata": "AQ==", "version": "1", "totalWeight": "3" }, { "groupId": "2", "admin": "cosmos1..", "metadata": "AQ==", "version": "1", "totalWeight": "3" } ], "pagination": { "total": "2" } }

# GroupPoliciesByGroup

The GroupPoliciesByGroup endpoint allows users to query for group policies by group id with pagination flags.

Copy cosmos.group.v1.Query/GroupPoliciesByGroup


Copy grpcurl -plaintext \ -d '{"group_id":"1"}' localhost:9090 cosmos.group.v1.Query/GroupPoliciesByGroup

Example Output:

Copy { "GroupPolicies": [ { "address": "cosmos1..", "groupId": "1", "admin": "cosmos1..", "version": "1", "decisionPolicy": {"@type":"/cosmos.group.v1.ThresholdDecisionPolicy","threshold":"1","windows":{"voting_period": "120h", "min_execution_period": "0s"}}, }, { "address": "cosmos1..", "groupId": "1", "admin": "cosmos1..", "version": "1", "decisionPolicy": {"@type":"/cosmos.group.v1.ThresholdDecisionPolicy","threshold":"1","windows":{"voting_period": "120h", "min_execution_period": "0s"}}, } ], "pagination": { "total": "2" } }

# GroupPoliciesByAdmin

The GroupPoliciesByAdmin endpoint allows users to query for group policies by admin account address with pagination flags.

Copy cosmos.group.v1.Query/GroupPoliciesByAdmin


Copy grpcurl -plaintext \ -d '{"admin":"cosmos1.."}' localhost:9090 cosmos.group.v1.Query/GroupPoliciesByAdmin

Example Output:

Copy { "GroupPolicies": [ { "address": "cosmos1..", "groupId": "1", "admin": "cosmos1..", "version": "1", "decisionPolicy": {"@type":"/cosmos.group.v1.ThresholdDecisionPolicy","threshold":"1","windows":{"voting_period": "120h", "min_execution_period": "0s"}}, }, { "address": "cosmos1..", "groupId": "1", "admin": "cosmos1..", "version": "1", "decisionPolicy": {"@type":"/cosmos.group.v1.ThresholdDecisionPolicy","threshold":"1","windows":{"voting_period": "120h", "min_execution_period": "0s"}}, } ], "pagination": { "total": "2" } }

# Proposal

The Proposal endpoint allows users to query for proposal by id.

Copy cosmos.group.v1.Query/Proposal


Copy grpcurl -plaintext \ -d '{"proposal_id":"1"}' localhost:9090 cosmos.group.v1.Query/Proposal

Example Output:

Copy { "proposal": { "proposalId": "1", "address": "cosmos1..", "proposers": [ "cosmos1.." ], "submittedAt": "2021-12-17T07:06:26.310638964Z", "groupVersion": "1", "GroupPolicyVersion": "1", "status": "STATUS_SUBMITTED", "result": "RESULT_UNFINALIZED", "voteState": { "yesCount": "0", "noCount": "0", "abstainCount": "0", "vetoCount": "0" }, "windows": { "min_execution_period": "0s", "voting_period": "432000s" }, "executorResult": "EXECUTOR_RESULT_NOT_RUN", "messages": [ {"@type":"/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend","amount":[{"denom":"stake","amount":"100000000"}],"fromAddress":"cosmos1..","toAddress":"cosmos1.."} ], "title": "Title", "summary": "Summary", } }

# ProposalsByGroupPolicy

The ProposalsByGroupPolicy endpoint allows users to query for proposals by account address of group policy with pagination flags.

Copy cosmos.group.v1.Query/ProposalsByGroupPolicy


Copy grpcurl -plaintext \ -d '{"address":"cosmos1.."}' localhost:9090 cosmos.group.v1.Query/ProposalsByGroupPolicy

Example Output:

Copy { "proposals": [ { "proposalId": "1", "address": "cosmos1..", "proposers": [ "cosmos1.." ], "submittedAt": "2021-12-17T08:03:27.099649352Z", "groupVersion": "1", "GroupPolicyVersion": "1", "status": "STATUS_CLOSED", "result": "RESULT_ACCEPTED", "voteState": { "yesCount": "1", "noCount": "0", "abstainCount": "0", "vetoCount": "0" }, "windows": { "min_execution_period": "0s", "voting_period": "432000s" }, "executorResult": "EXECUTOR_RESULT_NOT_RUN", "messages": [ {"@type":"/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend","amount":[{"denom":"stake","amount":"100000000"}],"fromAddress":"cosmos1..","toAddress":"cosmos1.."} ], "title": "Title", "summary": "Summary", } ], "pagination": { "total": "1" } }

# VoteByProposalVoter

The VoteByProposalVoter endpoint allows users to query for vote by proposal id and voter account address.

Copy cosmos.group.v1.Query/VoteByProposalVoter


Copy grpcurl -plaintext \ -d '{"proposal_id":"1","voter":"cosmos1.."}' localhost:9090 cosmos.group.v1.Query/VoteByProposalVoter

Example Output:

Copy { "vote": { "proposalId": "1", "voter": "cosmos1..", "choice": "CHOICE_YES", "submittedAt": "2021-12-17T08:05:02.490164009Z" } }

# VotesByProposal

The VotesByProposal endpoint allows users to query for votes by proposal id with pagination flags.

Copy cosmos.group.v1.Query/VotesByProposal


Copy grpcurl -plaintext \ -d '{"proposal_id":"1"}' localhost:9090 cosmos.group.v1.Query/VotesByProposal

Example Output:

Copy { "votes": [ { "proposalId": "1", "voter": "cosmos1..", "choice": "CHOICE_YES", "submittedAt": "2021-12-17T08:05:02.490164009Z" } ], "pagination": { "total": "1" } }

# VotesByVoter

The VotesByVoter endpoint allows users to query for votes by voter account address with pagination flags.

Copy cosmos.group.v1.Query/VotesByVoter


Copy grpcurl -plaintext \ -d '{"voter":"cosmos1.."}' localhost:9090 cosmos.group.v1.Query/VotesByVoter

Example Output:

Copy { "votes": [ { "proposalId": "1", "voter": "cosmos1..", "choice": "CHOICE_YES", "submittedAt": "2021-12-17T08:05:02.490164009Z" } ], "pagination": { "total": "1" } }


A user can query the group module using REST endpoints.

# GroupInfo

The GroupInfo endpoint allows users to query for group info by given group id.

Copy /cosmos/group/v1/group_info/{group_id}


Copy curl localhost:1317/cosmos/group/v1/group_info/1

Example Output:

Copy { "info": { "id": "1", "admin": "cosmos1..", "metadata": "AQ==", "version": "1", "total_weight": "3" } }

# GroupPolicyInfo

The GroupPolicyInfo endpoint allows users to query for group policy info by account address of group policy.

Copy /cosmos/group/v1/group_policy_info/{address}


Copy curl localhost:1317/cosmos/group/v1/group_policy_info/cosmos1..

Example Output:

Copy { "info": { "address": "cosmos1..", "group_id": "1", "admin": "cosmos1..", "metadata": "AQ==", "version": "1", "decision_policy": { "@type": "/cosmos.group.v1.ThresholdDecisionPolicy", "threshold": "1", "windows": { "voting_period": "120h", "min_execution_period": "0s" } }, } }

# GroupMembers

The GroupMembers endpoint allows users to query for group members by group id with pagination flags.

Copy /cosmos/group/v1/group_members/{group_id}


Copy curl localhost:1317/cosmos/group/v1/group_members/1

Example Output:

Copy { "members": [ { "group_id": "1", "member": { "address": "cosmos1..", "weight": "1", "metadata": "AQ==" } }, { "group_id": "1", "member": { "address": "cosmos1..", "weight": "2", "metadata": "AQ==" } ], "pagination": { "next_key": null, "total": "2" } }

# GroupsByAdmin

The GroupsByAdmin endpoint allows users to query for groups by admin account address with pagination flags.

Copy /cosmos/group/v1/groups_by_admin/{admin}


Copy curl localhost:1317/cosmos/group/v1/groups_by_admin/cosmos1..

Example Output:

Copy { "groups": [ { "id": "1", "admin": "cosmos1..", "metadata": "AQ==", "version": "1", "total_weight": "3" }, { "id": "2", "admin": "cosmos1..", "metadata": "AQ==", "version": "1", "total_weight": "3" } ], "pagination": { "next_key": null, "total": "2" } }

# GroupPoliciesByGroup

The GroupPoliciesByGroup endpoint allows users to query for group policies by group id with pagination flags.

Copy /cosmos/group/v1/group_policies_by_group/{group_id}


Copy curl localhost:1317/cosmos/group/v1/group_policies_by_group/1

Example Output:

Copy { "group_policies": [ { "address": "cosmos1..", "group_id": "1", "admin": "cosmos1..", "metadata": "AQ==", "version": "1", "decision_policy": { "@type": "/cosmos.group.v1.ThresholdDecisionPolicy", "threshold": "1", "windows": { "voting_period": "120h", "min_execution_period": "0s" } }, }, { "address": "cosmos1..", "group_id": "1", "admin": "cosmos1..", "metadata": "AQ==", "version": "1", "decision_policy": { "@type": "/cosmos.group.v1.ThresholdDecisionPolicy", "threshold": "1", "windows": { "voting_period": "120h", "min_execution_period": "0s" } }, } ], "pagination": { "next_key": null, "total": "2" } }

# GroupPoliciesByAdmin

The GroupPoliciesByAdmin endpoint allows users to query for group policies by admin account address with pagination flags.

Copy /cosmos/group/v1/group_policies_by_admin/{admin}


Copy curl localhost:1317/cosmos/group/v1/group_policies_by_admin/cosmos1..

Example Output:

Copy { "group_policies": [ { "address": "cosmos1..", "group_id": "1", "admin": "cosmos1..", "metadata": "AQ==", "version": "1", "decision_policy": { "@type": "/cosmos.group.v1.ThresholdDecisionPolicy", "threshold": "1", "windows": { "voting_period": "120h", "min_execution_period": "0s" } }, }, { "address": "cosmos1..", "group_id": "1", "admin": "cosmos1..", "metadata": "AQ==", "version": "1", "decision_policy": { "@type": "/cosmos.group.v1.ThresholdDecisionPolicy", "threshold": "1", "windows": { "voting_period": "120h", "min_execution_period": "0s" } }, } ], "pagination": { "next_key": null, "total": "2" }

# Proposal

The Proposal endpoint allows users to query for proposal by id.

Copy /cosmos/group/v1/proposal/{proposal_id}


Copy curl localhost:1317/cosmos/group/v1/proposal/1

Example Output:

Copy { "proposal": { "proposal_id": "1", "address": "cosmos1..", "metadata": "AQ==", "proposers": [ "cosmos1.." ], "submitted_at": "2021-12-17T07:06:26.310638964Z", "group_version": "1", "group_policy_version": "1", "status": "STATUS_SUBMITTED", "result": "RESULT_UNFINALIZED", "vote_state": { "yes_count": "0", "no_count": "0", "abstain_count": "0", "veto_count": "0" }, "windows": { "min_execution_period": "0s", "voting_period": "432000s" }, "executor_result": "EXECUTOR_RESULT_NOT_RUN", "messages": [ { "@type": "/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend", "from_address": "cosmos1..", "to_address": "cosmos1..", "amount": [ { "denom": "stake", "amount": "100000000" } ] } ], "title": "Title", "summary": "Summary", } }

# ProposalsByGroupPolicy

The ProposalsByGroupPolicy endpoint allows users to query for proposals by account address of group policy with pagination flags.

Copy /cosmos/group/v1/proposals_by_group_policy/{address}


Copy curl localhost:1317/cosmos/group/v1/proposals_by_group_policy/cosmos1..

Example Output:

Copy { "proposals": [ { "id": "1", "group_policy_address": "cosmos1..", "metadata": "AQ==", "proposers": [ "cosmos1.." ], "submit_time": "2021-12-17T08:03:27.099649352Z", "group_version": "1", "group_policy_version": "1", "status": "STATUS_CLOSED", "result": "RESULT_ACCEPTED", "vote_state": { "yes_count": "1", "no_count": "0", "abstain_count": "0", "veto_count": "0" }, "windows": { "min_execution_period": "0s", "voting_period": "432000s" }, "executor_result": "EXECUTOR_RESULT_NOT_RUN", "messages": [ { "@type": "/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend", "from_address": "cosmos1..", "to_address": "cosmos1..", "amount": [ { "denom": "stake", "amount": "100000000" } ] } ] } ], "pagination": { "next_key": null, "total": "1" } }

# VoteByProposalVoter

The VoteByProposalVoter endpoint allows users to query for vote by proposal id and voter account address.

Copy /cosmos/group/v1/vote_by_proposal_voter/{proposal_id}/{voter}


Copy curl localhost:1317/cosmos/group/v1beta1/vote_by_proposal_voter/1/cosmos1..

Example Output:

Copy { "vote": { "proposal_id": "1", "voter": "cosmos1..", "choice": "CHOICE_YES", "metadata": "AQ==", "submitted_at": "2021-12-17T08:05:02.490164009Z" } }

# VotesByProposal

The VotesByProposal endpoint allows users to query for votes by proposal id with pagination flags.

Copy /cosmos/group/v1/votes_by_proposal/{proposal_id}


Copy curl localhost:1317/cosmos/group/v1/votes_by_proposal/1

Example Output:

Copy { "votes": [ { "proposal_id": "1", "voter": "cosmos1..", "option": "CHOICE_YES", "metadata": "AQ==", "submit_time": "2021-12-17T08:05:02.490164009Z" } ], "pagination": { "next_key": null, "total": "1" } }

# VotesByVoter

The VotesByVoter endpoint allows users to query for votes by voter account address with pagination flags.

Copy /cosmos/group/v1/votes_by_voter/{voter}


Copy curl localhost:1317/cosmos/group/v1/votes_by_voter/cosmos1..

Example Output:

Copy { "votes": [ { "proposal_id": "1", "voter": "cosmos1..", "choice": "CHOICE_YES", "metadata": "AQ==", "submitted_at": "2021-12-17T08:05:02.490164009Z" } ], "pagination": { "next_key": null, "total": "1" } }

# Metadata

The group module has four locations for metadata where users can provide further context about the on-chain actions they are taking. By default all metadata fields have a 255 character length field where metadata can be stored in json format, either on-chain or off-chain depending on the amount of data required. Here we provide a recommendation for the json structure and where the data should be stored. There are two important factors in making these recommendations. First, that the group and gov modules are consistent with one another, note the number of proposals made by all groups may be quite large. Second, that client applications such as block explorers and governance interfaces have confidence in the consistency of metadata structure accross chains.

# Proposal

Location: off-chain as json object stored on IPFS (mirrors gov proposal)

Copy { "title": "", "authors": [""], "summary": "", "details": "", "proposal_forum_url": "", "vote_option_context": "", }

:::note The authors field is an array of strings, this is to allow for multiple authors to be listed in the metadata. In v0.46, the authors field is a comma-separated string. Frontends are encouraged to support both formats for backwards compatibility. :::

# Vote

Location: on-chain as json within 255 character limit (mirrors gov vote)

Copy { "justification": "", }

# Group

Location: off-chain as json object stored on IPFS

Copy { "name": "", "description": "", "group_website_url": "", "group_forum_url": "", }

# Decision policy

Location: on-chain as json within 255 character limit

Copy { "name": "", "description": "", }