# Module: Inflation

Nibiru's Inflation Module implements the emmissions for the NIBI token. These emissions go to stakers, the Nibiru Foundation treasury, and the community reserve.

# Purpose

The Nibiru blockchain's main, native digital asset is called NIBI. As of Nibiru v1.3.0, NIBI tokens are only ever minted by the Inflation Module, which is a drop-in replacement for the Mint Module from the Cosmos-SDK. NIBI tokens are not automatically burnt, and the fully diluted supply is capped at 1.5 billion NIBI.

# Parameters of the Inflation Module

Parameter Description
inflation_enabled The parameter that enables inflation and halts increasing the skipped_epochs.
polynomial_factors Factors of a polynomial in decreasing order. These numbers are used to calculate polynomial inflation.
inflation_distribution Distribution of percentages describing where to send newly minted tokens.
epochs_per_period The number of epochs that must pass before a new period is created.
periods_per_year The number of periods that occur in a year.
max_period The maximum number of periods that have inflation being paid off. After this period, inflation will be disabled.
has_inflation_started Indicates if inflation has started. It's set to false at the start, and stays at true when we toggle inflation on. It's used to track the number of skipped epochs.