# Airdrop: Incentived Testnet

Common questions on the Nibiru Chain incentivized testnet

Last Updated: 2024-01-21

# Can I still participate in the Incentived Testnet?

No, the Incentivized testnet is over. There are however other opportunities to earn rewards as expressed in the 2023 Year End Review (opens new window). Follow Nibiru or join one of the community channels (opens new window) to stay locked in.

# When are Incentivized testnet rewards distributed?

At the same time as primary listings for the NIBI token around the time from the end of February 2024 to or early March 2024.

# How do I know if I'm eligible for rewards?

If you (1) completed any of the on-chain tasks outlined in the ITN announcements, (2) registered as instructured, and (3) do not live in a prohibited region, then you will automatically be eligible.

# I don't see my wallet on the reward list. What do I do?

The updated reward list is not finalized yet.

# What is the total reward pool for Nibiru Incentivized Testnet?

7.5 million NIBI tokens.

# Why did certain community members put the address in a thread or form for ITN?

Original Discord Message (opens new window):

"The form and thread to collect a list of addresses are kept open until the 2nd week of Jan (the current week). These addresses are not needed from everyone. The purpose of the list is to double-check the on-chain data and see if these ones were missed.

Prior to exporting from the form or thread, we set up everything to re-run all of the data engineering from scratch. This is labor intensive and takes some time... [The reward address list] will be updated prior to [Feb/early Mar]."